We are happy to announce the launch of our new website at http://www.worker-cooperatives.com

Who are we speaking to?

5.8 billion people! 80% of the world’s population have something in common. Together, we own only 20% of the world’s assets. We believe that by using Ideas, Creativity, Innovation, and the Worker Cooperative business structure, we can Design real solutions to many of today’s problems by tapping into the “Worlds’ Greatest Source of Renewable Energy” People and the Human Spirit!


To develop sustainable inter-connected worker cooperative businesses designed to employ people, narrow the wealth gap, address social issues, environmental issues, be contributing members of the communities we operate in and be great places to work.


We intend to raise the consciousness of the people of the world by demonstrating what is possible when we work together in private, for profit worker cooperative businesses structures designed to narrow the wealth gap, address social issues, operate at a very high level and to be great places to work!

We believe that these are all linked together integrally and through more inclusive design and alignment, they can work together dramatically more effectively when we add cooperation of the stakeholders.

What we intend to do is design businesses and business entities in a certain way that addresses these issues in the foundation of the business model of each entity. Then, we will get the people that believe in this idea to make it happen.